Lagos insta feature

Scrolling through my insta-stories features, I witnessed a special effect called ‘Lagos’ it is amongst other effects named after famous cities and capitals, such as Melbourne, Abu Dabi, Tokyo and Newyork.
Instagram has over 1 Billion downloads and millions of activer users, so it amazing to see Lagos be put on the map in such a public way, as a modern way to diversify and incorporate the feel of Lagos in pictures and videos.
The atmosphere of Lagos Nigeria is inspiring the masses and major companies such as Instagram; they want to give a taste of the city and recognise it as the new hot spot for peole to desire to vacate to.
The feel of the Lagos feature in pictures and videos is very vintage; it has a grey undertone reminding people of the sand and chaos of the motor bikes, and the hot cars. It also reminds people of the organic plants such as yams selling in the markets, and the blurry smoke from a seller cooking in the streets.
The Lagos feature on insta-stories is dreamy and very African . This is not just a normal feature, this a transitional groundbreaking feature that is appreciated by many Nigerians and active Instagram users.
To use it, you must use insta-stories and swipe left, you will see it as one of the first cities to be recommended.


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